Friday, November 7, 2008

Well, I was able to beg, borrow, steal enough cash to get the arrears below the magic $2000 mark and got the show cause (contempt) hearing dismissed (rescheduled) for another month. Once you are behind and in the system, They got ya! Now they enjoy having the axe hanging over my head each month or I'll be dragged in for contempt. Fines? Jail? Who knows.

Am I really in contempt of court because I don't make enough money to keep the court and my ex happy? Look at the economy today. Look at Michigan. Thousands at a time are losing their jobs. Tens and tens of thousands have newly found themselves without a job this year alone in Michigan with lots more to lose theirs soon, and no end in sight. Well the court ordered child support I'm ordered to pay has been a little more than I have been able to earn this year. Does that make me in contempt? I think not. I have sent just shy of ten thousand dollars cash to my ex this year without being employed from working my butt off at odd jobs. I think that is astounding, not contempt. Yet the threat of jail hovers over me each and every month. What a system.