It aint my fault
I know a woman, I was married to her until "death do us part", who got a divorce. I guess she didn't like that part. Anyway, needless to say, she escaped. Michigan, like every other state, allows "no fault" divorce. If the other spouse is opposed to the divorce, that alone is an irreconcilable difference, justifying the divorce, ha ha. This is the greatest invention in the world. Take all the money both spouses have, when that runs out tap their families for a while. The attorneys get rich. The courts get rich. The children suffer.
Just so you understand the basics, a no fault divorce simply means a spouse just wants a divorce. She (oops, sorry) I mean the spouse who wants the divorce simply fills out the forms and the ball gets rolling. A fault divorce would be when one spouse points a finger and says our marriage is shot because of him, uhh, that person I used to be in love with enough to stay married for a dozen years and make 5 beautiful babies with. Divorce is cool if you are a woman with children. You can lean on the system in a million ways and do quite well for yourself. I know a woman who gets all her and the kids food for free, she gets daycare for free, medical and dental benifits for free, etc. Did I mention that she gets to keep all of her income and most of mine, sorry, her ex-spouses money (tax free). Criminy, these women are smart. They get it all. This is the best part... Live in a state or county where you get most of the time with the kids. More money, yay.
That's right, the less time the dad actually gets to see of his kids, the more it costs him. Didn't I tell you this was a great invention. Fault, no fault, what is the difference? It is going to continue to happen. If the women continue to benifit like they currently do it will get worse. If the women didn't have so much to gain from a divorce, if it wasn't so profitable, maybe a few more children would see both their mother and father every day. If the attorneys and the court systems didn't make so much money from divorces maybe they would encourage people to try to stay together.
most divorcing women seem to want it all. They think they deserve it, are entitled to it.
I'd say they think they got it coming to them. They got it coming someday all right.
its all a system of revenge!!
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