Rita Smith, Executive Director, The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, said the following in a statement she issued on January 9th...
"...The questioner's facts were not accurate, and exhibited a widely held belief that men are denied custody without due process and for no real reasons. My experience while working in this field for over 25 years is that just the opposite is true. Mothers are far more likely to lose custody when it is contested..."
Does this give you any indication how "anti men" the NCADV (didn't want to spell it out again and upset my computer) is? WOW. Is it any wonder they so fiercely defend the horrible Violence against Women act? The rest of her piece is just as bad. If you have a strong stomach and want to read the rest it can be found here.. http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/01-09-2008/0004733977&EDATE=
I don't know about you but I found it appalling.
1 comment:
Where has this lady Rita Smith been? I sounds like she sees only what she wants to see.
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