Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More kids losing their dads!
More dads losing their kids!

When are people going to stand up and get angry?

Do something, demand that something gets changed.
Here is another dad who lost his children the hard way like I did. We find out after it is too late that the war was over before it began. All our efforts, valid reasons, examples, etc..for naught. The system was going to give the children to the mom anyway! Remember? The friend of the court has to max out the child support to the mom so they receive the maximum cash payment from the federal government for themselves.
With this current setup why would they ever give the kids fair time with their dads?
Lose money for the courts?
No way.
Screw the kids. Screw the dads.
Feed the Court$!

Larry Holland lost his kids in Michigan because of just such incentives. A little from Larry Holland's blog ...

" He was involved in a family court case in the State of Michigan. After not understanding why the system was so bent on separating him from his children, Lary began studying the legislation and federal programs that support the family court systems across America. He had lost before the case had begun, because the States receive steep financial rewards for the creation of "court ordered absent parents." He vowed to educate the public and begin removing government intrusion one subject matter area at a time."

See Larry's blog here http://www.laryholland.com/ .
Larry is an associate member of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC).

Spend a little time at their informative website http://acfc.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=homepage

Thanks for stopping by.
I hope you will spend a little time and read my other entries.
This is really very important stuff and lots of Children are suffering under the current laws.

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