Sunday, December 9, 2007

Kudos to Glen Sacks for all his work for men and fathers.

Here is a tiny slice of my life, only one of many such nonsense issues I have suffered, that was posted on his blog. I'm the "divorced dad faces Jail.."

Despite the "victory", the triumph over evil if you will, the lying mother faced zero consequences for lying on the stand. Why do they make them swear to tell the truththewholetruthandnothingbutthetruth then don't do anything when they are caught blatantly lying? With no repercussions to the lying plaintiff what is to stop her from continuing the harassment of a good and innocent dad? At least now the Judge is learning who he is dealing with.

Aren't those for vampires and werewolves?
Nasty vengeful divorcing women use them too.
Take a moment and read about something WAY more scary than werewolves and vampires.
This doesn't seem any more real than those two fictional monsters but these monsters are real!
I hope you are sitting down guys...
Read it and weep. Better yet, read it and pass it on.

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